![]() 09/26/2014 at 14:05 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
You know, stuff that doesn't really matter but bothers you anyways. Two of mine: I hate it when people don't pull through a parking spot to the open one in front so that they can just drive out, and I hate it when people park their cars with the wheels turned to full lock (unless parallel parking on a hill).
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Convertibles driving around on a sunny day with the top up.
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Sometimes, macanamera, I don't pull through a spot if I'm at a big store and I'm buying something big, and I will need access to the tailgate. For instance: if I am buying a television.
The other day I was literally lying in bed and the meaning behind your username hit me. Macan. Panamera. We've been talking online for what, a year? This was maybe 4 days ago.
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When people can't figure out a joke on the internet..
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As was stated earlier this week, left lane loiterers is a big one for me. Also, though off of the car topic, I hate people that think they need to "contribute" to a conversation that they are not a part of. Especially if what they have to say is really nothing.
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I hate it when people with large vans don't park toward the back. One time, I came out to find a Dodge Sprinter next to me, and as I was blindly backing out, a little kid came running from behind the van straight into my path. Neither of us could see each other, and it could have ended horribly if I didn't react as quickly as I did.
So I guess that's a pretty justified anger, but still a weird one.
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People who use their turn signals when there is only one possible way to go and people who brake for no got reason when in a straight line.
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Fucking hate that. You paid extra for it!
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1. Sure, special circumstances like that are different. I'm not talking about buying a TV, I'm talking about 9/10 cars at any given Panera Bread parking lot.
2. Ferraris have tailgates?
3. Yeah! A guess a lot of people don't get that. I thought I was so damn clever, I guess not.
4. Thinking about my username in bed, eh?
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Leaving large gaps at red lights and stop signs or in drive thrus.
Driving without your headlights and tail lights on at all times. The more visible you are the better. When it rains you disappear in to the mist if your tail lights aren't on.
Pulling in to a parking stall and later backing out. Back in then pull out, it's safer.
Inefficient and unnecessary use of the brakes and being generally inconsistent with your speed.
Ok so maybe not so pointless...
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People who get on the bus only to get off one stop later. really guy? That 20 feet of walking was so inconvenient that it was worth $2 (that you pay one dime at a time of course...) to avoid it?
While on the way to the cafe I'm at now, one guy did this with a bike. Like...why? WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOU HAVE A BIKE! IT TOOK LONGER TO MOUNT/PAY/DISMOUNT THAN IT WOULD HAVE IT YOU'D JUST...
....nevermind. Facepalm.jpg
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I often lay in bed thinking about other guys online names too. Nothing weird about that at all. Not one bit :)
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Those that are taking a left turn out onto a road with a center turn lane who don't use said turn lane. Whether it's a parking lot, a drive way or just any exit that doesn't use a light. They'll wait until traffic is totally empty in both directions before taking a left.
I realize in some states the turn lanes aren't supposed to be used for that purpose, but in NY they are and although it doesn't affect me as I just drive by them, it drives me insane knowing they're waiting there for no fucking reason.
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Whats wrong with wheels turned? Looks like the car is ready for a photo shoot 24/7.
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People who don't use their convertible tops on a nice day - why pay for it and not use it?
People who hit their brakes going down a hill instead of just coasting and letting their speed level out at the bottom.
People who park right next to you when there's a spot open two spots over.
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Conversely, it bugs me when people use the wrong turn signal...like when entering a roadway from a freeway off-ramp.
The off ramp curves to the right and you're entering the roadway - i.e. to the left. Put your LEFT blinker on so people on the roadway see and know what you're trying to do. Not your right blinker - I just followed you off the ramp too, I already know you've been tending right...I was behind you.
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True. Unless its oppressively hot out. I had a conv in Miami and sometimes kept the top up because it was roughly 314 degrees out.
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Oh man, the unnecessary distance is stoplights is one of my biggest pet peeves. 8 times out of 10 it doesn't even affect me. But I see it and it pisses me off.
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lol thats weird
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The laws may be different in certain states, but in new york you have to signal your intention to turn. It doesn't matter if your lane is a dedicated left or right turn lane - you need your blinker on or a cop could legally give you a ticket and you couldn't do shit about it.
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cayennester would've been way cooler.
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I love just coasting down hills as well. The problem is the car(s) in front of you usually hit the brakes, then you're forced to hit the brakes or risk running into them, then the people behind you have to slam on their brakes....and you get that point.
That is an annoyance.
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ok how about having the top down when its far too cold to have the top down
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People that complain about pet peeves. :)
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Dan Snyder does this in Ferraris. Its funny.
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These are usually the people who do EXACTLY the speed limit. That drives me nuts.
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*logs off, never comes back*
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But then if you try and pass them when the center line goes dashed, they'll probably speed up to keep you from getting around them.
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My pet peeve is Panera Bread.
They started out as St. Louis Bread Company, but I guess we weren't good enough for them.
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u wot m8?
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People do this all the time when I'm in my van. I guess people don't like the idea of an ancient van with missing paint and rust blowing past them because they're distracted and doing exactly the speed limit or slightly under.
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Driving roofless on a crisp or dreary fall day is one of my favorite things.
Below 50 F is too cold, though.
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u havin a fukin giggle?
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Slow mergers on on-ramps and people who ride your ass in the left lane even when your turn signal is on and your turning left.
Didn't used to bother me but my job is right on the highway now and I make a left turn to get off and almost every day someone tries to rear end me and I put my turn signal on a good 10-15 seconds before the turn and start applying my brakes. I actually had one time if I hadn't driven into the ditch in the median they would have hit me.
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Huh. Thats actually a cool name.
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That I'm okay with, because sweaters, scarves, heaters, hearted seats, and those air-scarves on fancy convertibles.
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ill bash yer fookin hed in
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how cold? cuz I could see if your from Cali it could be like 50 and u'd be putting on your mittens and closing the top but here is Mass it was around 35 when I saw some woman in a BMW with the top down.
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Yeah. They're still marketed as St. Louis Bread Company in St. Louis. Known colloquially as "Bread Co."
I think it's a good name because:
"Yo, man, we should get some bread."
"Fo sho, where at?"
"How about Bread Co.? I hear they serve bread."
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isn't he dead?
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40s. I only saw it once lol but he had a scarf and hat on and I was like dude just put the top up.
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Taxi cabs.
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People who stop at a red light, leave a good amount of space between them and the car in front, and then 10 or so seconds later slowly inch forward while the light is still red. Just stay stopped so I don't then feel pressured to take up the newly vacant space between your car and mine.
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he probably had the heat on too. come on dude, we dont pay to heat the outdoors no matter how cold it is
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People who accelerate slowly on freeway on-ramps, than get on the freeway slower than the pace of traffic. Its like they have no idea why on-ramps exist.
People who will try to street race you in a truck or suv when you are driving a sporty car.
![]() 09/26/2014 at 18:59 |
rule of thumb: top goes up when the temperature is below the speed you'll be driving (in farenheit). Highway speeds? Probably needs to be in the 60's. Puttering around town? It's perferctly fine when it's 20-30 degrees outside. It's allowable to have the heater on, and direct sunlight buys you a few extra days in the winter.
This rule has served me quite well for decades. When I was younger, cold didn't bother me. Now I have heated seats with a neck warmer. :-)
![]() 09/26/2014 at 19:47 |
This. Also, in cases such as two lanes merging into one, I was taught to still signal just to make it clear to following drivers that I will be moving into 'their' lane. It can't hurt.
![]() 09/27/2014 at 00:02 |
//rubs hands gleefully
Exiting a side turning and not accelerating to match the speed of the traffic.
Stopping on a roundabout to let someone out.
Driving in a car park with no headlights on.
Late merging.
Using the wrong lane and changing at the very last possible second.
//eye twitches
![]() 09/28/2014 at 12:28 |
It's especially annoying when the car immediately ahead of me stops 20 feet behind the car ahead of it, and then about halfway through the red light cycle creeps forward to close the gap. Now suddenly I'm the idiot, since the gap is now immediately in front of me. With a manual transmission, I have to shift into gear, move forward, and shift back into neutral. Then the car behind me has to do the same . . . .
![]() 09/28/2014 at 13:42 |
But you don't pay. Heat in a car is a free byproduct of the engine.
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As a convertible owner, let me explain. Sometimes it's too hot or oppressively humid outside. Another reason - either you are making a short trip, or going on a series of errands where you don't want to leave the top down at your destination(s). Rather than raise and lower you top every 5 minutes, you just leave it up. Also, a lot of times with a used car you don't pay much extra for a convertible at all. A lot of people don't want a convertible (for reasons unknown to me) so they don't command much of a premium on the used market at all.